The IF function returns one value if the specified condition is TRUE and returns another value if the specified condition is FALSE.

IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])

  • Logical_test (Required) is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE.
  • Value_if_true (Required) is the value to be returned if the "logical_test" argument evaluates to TRUE.
  • Value_if_false (Optional) is the value to be returned if the "logical_test" argument evaluates to FALSE. If omitted then zero is returned.

Example: IF(TaskStatus="Inprogress",1,0) returns 1 if the activity status is equal to InProgress otherwise 0 is returned.

You can write IF statements in shorthand within Acumen Fuse. If the IF function name and Value_if_true and Value_if_false parameters are omitted, the Acumen Fuse engine will assume that the function is an IF statement returning either a 1 or a 0.

Example: IF(TaskStatus="Inprogress",1,0) can be written in shorthand as (TaskStatus="Inprogress").